Tag...I'm It!

I have been tagged by Bekah and by Carebear and they have different questions to answer so I'll do a little combo of the two. Here it goes...(By the way, I won't be offended if you don't make it all the way through!)

4 Places I've Lived:
Salt Lake City, Toronto, Houston, Brighton

4 Place I've Vacationed:
Israel, Europe (a motor-home trip around Europe!), Calgary, Sunvalley

4 Jobs I've Had:
Mom (thanks Bekah for the idea on that one), nurse, assistant camp director, sales associate at a fruit stand

4 Foods I Like:
stuffed mushrooms (that's just happened in the last couple years), cheese, pretzel jello salad, Adam's homemade pizza

4 Hobbies:
rollerblading, biking, singing, family history (newly acquired)

4 Things People Don't Know About Me:
my 4 front teeth are veneers, I'm allergic to a lot of fruits, I memorize license plates, I love to (and always do) cross my z's and 7's

What I Was Doing Ten Years Ago:
I was a sophomore at Oly. I was a cheerleader, had my first boyfriend (who kissed me one hour before I was sweet sixteen!), and playing in the orchestra. I was taking an honors physics class that was killing me--Julie Jeppson's hilariousness maintained my sanity! I was kind of floating between a bunch of different groups of friends and still didn't have my license after being 16 for a month (I was scared to get it).

What I Was Doing Five Years Ago:
I was getting ready to go on my mission to Houston. I was crazy busy with nursing pre-reqs, including an independent study anatomy class that I detested. A lot of girls say they date more before their mission than ever before. Well, I was the exact opposite. My dating life was totally dry. I guess the Lord didn't want me to have any temptation to keep me away from the mission!

What I Was Doing One Year Ago:
Last year I was eight months pregnant and definitely looked it! I was finishing my nursing program at BYU. Adam had applied to a bunch of law schools so we were waiting to hear from them. I was working as a TA, hospice nurse, and nursing home LPN. I think about this time last year I was going crazy juggling it all so I quit the nursing home.

And finally, four people I'm tagging:
Adam (my ploy to get him to blog), Anna, Tibet, Maggie (sorry if you were already tagged)


Deanna said…
How fun! I learned lots about you.
Jentry said…
I loved reading that!! I just recently started doing my family history!
Maggie said…
Hey, it was fun reading your post. I especially loved what you were doing 10, 5 and 1 year(s) ago. crazy how time flies. Hope all is going well.
Spencer said…
Mo dawg! Funny what even your own sister can still learn about you! That was fun to read. I'm excited to talk to you about that family history stuff you're doing--i didn't know you were doing that! Way to go!
And thanks again so much for talking on Monday. It was so fun to talk to you. It made me miss being able to run a block down to your house, but it got me excited for the 19th!
M said…
I think I knew all of the "4 things nobody knows." I feel lucky to know you so well, Moof! Ah, 161: pre-veneers (I think I took your before and after pictures), fruit bowls from the Creamery, your cute notes w/ crossed "z's" and JYV.
Katie said…
So fun to learn more about you Marth. I think I would also like Adam's homemade pizza. It looks great!
The Bish Fam said…
I loved reading this...it was fun to remember things about you that I don't think about every day! Love that!

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