Happy Birthday Marian!

This is a little late, but I just want to wish Marian Happy #1 Birthday! She turned 1 on January 12. It's a strange milestone for me because I feel like having a one-year old should make me a seasoned parent or something, but I still feel like I have no idea what I'm doing! We had a fun celebration for her though. We had some friends over from the ward the day before her birthday and on her actual birthday celebrated with my family in Salt Lake. She actually did a good job of not getting too messy even though I let her eat her cake by herself!
Marian staring at Robert Stong who helped her blow out her candle.
It was great singing the "We're glad you're not 1, we're glad you're not 2, ..." song (which I sing faithfully to every family member, including my grandma who turned 95 last year) because it was an impressive "We're glad that you're 1!"
Marian with her cousin Lizzie.
Why can't birthdays stay this exciting?
Adam was the amazing cake decorator. He really can do everything!
Marian enjoying her new throne--her front-facing car seat! Don't you wish you could travel like that?

Finally, I'll let you have a taste of one of the Birks favorite things to do: turn on music and dance. Marian gets really into it! (You've got to love her shirt caught over her pot-belly!)


Adam Birk said…
I've got to say that this is some of the most amazing blogging I've EVER seen in my entire life. It's almost as amazing as your cooking and your good looks. The way you type the words, the way the words fit with the pictures, the subtle coloring, the selection of pictures, the cinematography of the video clips....SUPERB, FANTASTIC, FABULOUS, EXTRAORDINARY
Love your # ONE, UNO, EN, δΈ€, EIN, UN, OENA(piglatin) SUPER DUPER FAN.
Maggie said…
I love Adam's comment. It looks like it was a fun party. I also love your "G Galore" carseat. I was looking pretty seriously at buying that one for Gracie but decided on another because they don't sell it at any stores in SG. Cute Pics.
M said…
What a great team you two are! (Adam's comment couldn't have been sweeter if you wrote it yourself). And, I should say, what a great team you THREE are. Happy Birthday Marian!
Cary said…
Ritz, I love the dancing!!! That is hilarious! We need to get Marion with Hannah again so she can teach Hannah how to dance!!
MBurt said…
Martha, I can't believe you have a 1 year old. Wow, time goes way too fast. So, thanks for your comment on my blog. You sound like the perfect canidate for a team triathlon, where you can do the biking and have other team members do the running and swimming. Think about it! Marian is cute cute cute!
sadie said…
i love that it's UB40 in the background. it made me smile.
Happy B-day Marian! Adam - I am impressed with your cake decorating skills! And finally, that video of her dancing is classic! She will love that when she gets older.
Deanna said…
Such a cute video! I read your comment on my blog after I talked to you so i'm glad you guys liked the recipe. And thanks so much for babysitting Azure, we owe you one :)
youngfam said…
Happy Birthday Marian! We're glad that your one =) She has mad dancing skills. Stockton has watched it a millon times already.... she is so cute.
Deanna said…
Yet another comment from me... I just reread this and I'm pretty sure that is WAS Robert Stong who blew out the candle!
Carrie said…
We can't get enough of this cute video! Abby loves to watch it over and over again. Love you guys!
--Carrie & Abby
theminerfamily said…
Ma- A- Tha!! Wow, I cannot believe she is one. I just found a thank you card from when we had your shower (Yes, I am a pack rat!). I cannot wait to see how big she is in person! What a cutie!
Teisa Linscott said…
Hey Martha,
I got your blog from Carrie's blog. Its so cute. Your little one is very cute also. Can you believe we have little toddlers running around already? Well maybe not running but walking.

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Olivia Lori Birk