Home to our mansion

Well, we're back on "this" side of the world again, after a long trip home. We were delayed leaving Hong Kong so missed our flight to Salt Lake from San Fran. Because of fires in San Fran the airport is running at much lower capacity and everything was backed up! There were 2 more flights to Salt Lake that day but we couldn't get on them. We ended up flying to Sacramento at midnight, "sleeping" in the airport, and flying home at 6 am. Needless to say, we were SO excited to get home. Adam was so great in taking care of Marian--he slept less than an hour the whole way home. Marian was a trooper and only threw one major tantrum (not bad for 33 hours of traveling).

So now we're back and it's been great to re-immerse ourselves in our life--seeing family and friends, using our oven, eating brownies, not hand-washing our clothes, seeing all the babies we missed being born, having a door to shut when going to the bathroom, using our cell phones, not sleeping on a rock-hard bed, and enjoying all the other things we learned to appreciate. That being said, however, I must say that I loved our experience in Hong Kong and fell in love with that city. I'm so grateful for our time there and the way it strengthened us as our own little family. We also met fabulous people that we would not have met otherwise.

I will post pictures later of our last adventures there, but just wanted to check in to say we're back. So call (or come visit) whenever!


MBurt said…
Welcome home. You are brave to travel with a little one across the world. Glad you are safely back. Sounds like it was a wonderful experience.
Cary said…
Yahoo!! We are happy to have you back! Once life gets a little more normal for ya let's play!! We miss you guys!
Welcome home! I am so happy you guys were able to have that adventure. I loved reading about your experiences every week! It is funny all the things you appreciate when being places like that - especially living like that. We are on a much smaller scale than you guys - but last night spence said wouldn't it be great to just live like this, so simple, w/o any of our stuff- (lance sleeping in the closet), the major simplified life! I was like - NO, I LOVE our stuff!!! I loved the pic's of the Great Wall of China, the gazillion Buddha's, and monkey's - oh and the pushup video - classic! I want to meet that little cutie of yours one day!
Ally said…
I am so glad that ya'll made it home safely. So cute of marian doing push ups!! She is a doll! Love and miss you tons! (p.s. we will be in utah a whole week from july 20 - 27th, any chance of getting together)
youngfam said…
Welcome back! I have loved reading all your posts what an adventure!
Unknown said…
Yay, I'm so happy you guys are home. Jared and I returned Sunday night, so we're just hanging around as well. I definitely agree on the doing something. Friday and Sunday are both good for us, or you guys can look at your schedule and we'll talk on Sunday.
*Meg Larsen* said…
OK--time for new posts! pictures from china! photos of your finished quilt ;o)
Ally said…
How did you make your blog so cute?
Melissa Markham said…
Yeah! Good to have you back in the good ol' USA again. Sorry the trip home was so horrific. Love you guys!

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