
Here are some entertaining videos of Marian. One day in Hong Kong I heard her making the same babbling noise over and over. I realized that she was actually saying a word and by process of elimination, discovered she was saying "umbrella." Since then it has become our favorite thing to have her say. She knows it's funny so she loves to say it for people. Several times she's been in the middle of a tantrum when I've asked her to say it. The tantrum goes on hold while she charmingly looks at her audience, says umbrella, then laughs harder than anyone. What a ham!

This next one has umbrella and some of her other new words (we're still working on them, especially watermelon). I discovered that she knows how to say Book of Mormon one night when I was trying to get her to bed. She would not come to get her pajamas on and kept saying "muh-muh-muh" and pointing at the bookshelf. Finally I realized that she was reminding me that we needed to read Book of Mormon before she went to bed. It totally melted me!

This last video is from the evening after we flew in. We didn't let Marian get a good nap that day, after the 30+ hours of traveling, so she'd sleep that night. So she was so tired! I love that she dumps the milk out picking it up. Then trying to get it to her mouth she dumps the rest down her front!


Oh martha, those videos are so funny!!! "Umbrellelelllelelelella!" That was too funny. I am really going to have to work on my baby talk!
Jentry said…
She is precious and so beautiful! This is my favorite stage when the babbling slowly turns to understandable words. They babble on and on and they know what they are saying, but we don't. I'm always amazed at how babies can pick up on things like language and then try to imitate it.
Deanna said…
So cute! She does look so tired in that last video. Sorry I missed your call today, I'll try you again tomorrow :)
Bekah said…
Holy cow, these are hilarious! I love the last one especially! She's so adorable, Mo!
Ally said…
SOOOO cute!! we will be at brent and nina's this sunday tonext friday!! if we can, let's get together!
Amy said…
That made me laugh so hard! And my girls loved watching it too!!
Mimi Collett said…
Those are cute videos! Thanks for finding my blog. We hope to move to Cincinnati after Jeff graduates in April. :) My heart melted a bit too with the Book of Mormon part, and her unsuccessful food attempt and then the little "uh oh" was really, really cute, too. I can't believe how big she is!
Roundy Crew said…
She is a doll! How fun.
Spencer said…
I had tears streaming down my face from laughing! She is such a ham! And that last one reminded me of the scene in Gods Must Be Crazy where they're putting all the guards to sleep...I can't believe you caught that on film!

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