
Marian has started speaking in sentences and it's so fun! Not only does she imitate everything I say, but she's good at remembering and using new words in her own sentences. If you heard her say these, it probably wouldn't sound anything like what I'm writing. But I love being the mom who gets to provide translation services for her. It's kind of exciting understanding her little language. Here are some examples of her sentences:
Mama change ew-yuck diaper.
Mama put Mini's shoe on. (She calls herself Mini.)
Mini sit down right here.
Mini juice all gone.
Put on ladybug costume.
There's the other bow-wow.

The other day we were shopping. Instead of sitting down in the front she wanted to sit with her bum on top of the back-rest. I told her over and over to sit down until I gave up and just kept a really close eye on her. After a couple minutes of me not saying anything she turned to me in her most commanding voice, pointed her finger at me and said, "Sit down right NOW!" Of course I laughed, which made her do it the rest of the way through the store. (Side-note: an older lady came up to me as we were in line to lecture me about children sitting so they won't fall out of carts. I just smiled and thanked her, wishing I could replay for her the million times I told Marian to sit down. Just another reminder to never lecture other moms, no matter how young they are and how old I am!)


Cary said…
Hello friend! Love the updates! And yes, we really need to get together soon, it has been far too long! Plan on me giving you a call in a next week or so!!
Maggie said…
You know, that woman was right. Maybe you should have listened to her :) Ha ha ha. I love wise mothers that tell us all the things we never thought of. I can't believe that she is getting so big. Maybe in another few months Mini and Fracie will be good enough at talking for a phone conversation (gracie is still a little scattered and unless you can see things in context she's not the best phone partner). Talk to you soon.
M said…
Mini! I love it. So cute.
Deanna said…
Wow a lot can happen in 6 months huh? I love that she calls herself Mini that is so cute! Loved talking to you the other day :)
Mimi Collett said…
So cute that she calls herself Mini. You know, a similar nickname is Mimi, and it's a pretty good nickname . . . I've never met a Marian that went by Mimi, but I've known two Miriams that have, so it can work for other names. That's my plug. Haha. Other than that, congrats on the sentences! That's so cool. :)
Katie said…
Oh that cute Marian. What a doll. I love that she calls herself Mini. My sister was saying last night how muh she dislikes the word "moist" and it made me think of you :).

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