I've been tagged by a couple people and so far have been delinquent in passing it on. I did this about a year ago, so hopefully I've changed a little in the last year so this won't be a complete repeat.
5 Things I Was Doing Ten Years Ago:
1. JV cheerleading (I love that people always say they can't picture me as a cheerleader--I take it as a compliment)
2. Singing with Ladies Ensemble
3. Sitting behind Jen in AP American History, who kept me awake every day by entertaining me with her nodding head and droopy eyes
4. In love with a different Adam
5. Obsessed with Garth Brooks (before he left his wife of course)
5 Things On My To-Do List Today:
1. Go to work (got put on call--hooray!)
2. Make dinner (crockpot salsa chicken over rice)
3. Host Craft Group
4. Babysit Eliza Winings
5. Do the laundry
5 Snacks I Love:
1. Ritz crackers and cheese
2. Cookie dough
3. Chocolate milk
4. Fruit snacks
5. Graham crackers and milk
5 Things I'd Do If I Were a Millionaire:
1. Save!
2. Go on a trip alone with Adam (I can't complain because we've traveled a lot since being married but we've never been anywhere alone)
3. Take violin lessons
4. Take my family to Adam's home in Denmark (and around Europe a little)
5. Finally do all of Adam's looming dental work (cavities, crowns, etc.)
5 Places I've Lived:
1. Salt Lake
2. Canada
3. Houston
4. Hong Kong
5. Provo
5 Jobs I've Had:
1. Nurse at the hospital
2. Hospice nurse
3. Camp counselor and assistant director
4. T.A. for nursing professor
5. Mommy

5 People I Tag:
Deanna, Mimi, Lindsay Florence, Anna, Melba
5 Things I Was Doing Ten Years Ago:
1. JV cheerleading (I love that people always say they can't picture me as a cheerleader--I take it as a compliment)
2. Singing with Ladies Ensemble
3. Sitting behind Jen in AP American History, who kept me awake every day by entertaining me with her nodding head and droopy eyes
4. In love with a different Adam
5. Obsessed with Garth Brooks (before he left his wife of course)
5 Things On My To-Do List Today:
1. Go to work (got put on call--hooray!)
2. Make dinner (crockpot salsa chicken over rice)
3. Host Craft Group
4. Babysit Eliza Winings
5. Do the laundry
5 Snacks I Love:
1. Ritz crackers and cheese
2. Cookie dough
3. Chocolate milk
4. Fruit snacks
5. Graham crackers and milk
5 Things I'd Do If I Were a Millionaire:
1. Save!
2. Go on a trip alone with Adam (I can't complain because we've traveled a lot since being married but we've never been anywhere alone)
3. Take violin lessons
4. Take my family to Adam's home in Denmark (and around Europe a little)
5. Finally do all of Adam's looming dental work (cavities, crowns, etc.)
5 Places I've Lived:
1. Salt Lake
2. Canada
3. Houston
4. Hong Kong
5. Provo
5 Jobs I've Had:
1. Nurse at the hospital
2. Hospice nurse
3. Camp counselor and assistant director
4. T.A. for nursing professor
5. Mommy
5 People I Tag:
Deanna, Mimi, Lindsay Florence, Anna, Melba