Well, the good news is that I am over the nauseated stage of pregnancy but the bad news is that my energy is not back--hence my lack of blogging. I figured it's time for an update though since we had a fun trip to St. George for Thanksgiving and have a new camera so I can post some cute pictures of Mini.

I was scheduled to work Tuesday and Wednesday evening, but my wishes came true and I was canceled Wednesday, so we got to drive down to St. George earlier than expected. We had a fantastic Thanksgiving dinner and had fun rollerblading, playing tennis, swimming, and hanging out with the family.

Here we are sitting down to dinner.

Here's Mini and me in our matching outfits. (Just for the record it was Adam's idea for us to wear them the same day. But I did pack them both so I guess subconsciously I thought it would be cute.)

Mini loves "helping" in the kitchen.

Here's a cute one of Pops and Mini reading "No More Monkeys Jumping On the Bed."

This one is for my family who knew me when I was three years old and wore these exact glasses. Adam pulled them out and put them on Mini. Too bad it's not from the side so you can see how thick they are! (No wonder my Dad thought I was the ugly ducking of the bunch...)

And this is for Deanna and Azure who gave Marian these cute jammies for her birthday last January. I'm so excited they finally fit her!

And this is a movie of Marian reciting "Moo Baa Lalala" with me. (We both have it memorized.) I just love how she knows the whole thing. I know I'm her mom but I think she's a genius!


Jentry said…
She is a genius, that glasses picture is my favorite.
Deanna said…
I'm all about matching mommy/daugher outfits! So cute! I'm glad the jammies fit now. I can't believe that was almost a year ago. Marian is so grown up. And yes, I agree, pure genius to have that memorized.
*Meg Larsen* said…
that video of marian is so cute! i bet if we read that book for book group next month i'd actually finish :)
Spencer said…
OH MY GOSH! I have the cutest niece on the planet!!! I love those pictures! It was so fun to be with you guys over the weekend, especially that last night. Thanks for hanging out with us! We already miss you a lot!
PS That Christmas sign and towels look DARLING in our apartment! We'll send pictures soon...Thank you !
Tiffany said…
Looked like a fun time with the family! And I'm glad you're over the sick part of pregnancy.
youngfam said…
Congrats!! I am so excited for you!I'm glad you are feeling a little better. I hope you feel lots better soon.
Adam Birk said…
Honey, your blogging skills are.....fascinating
Ally said…
i didnt know you were prego! congratulations!!! when are you due??! you look amazing as always
M said…
I LOVE Moo Baa La La La! And I love that Marian has it memorized. (You too, Moof). She must get her memorization skills from her Mama. Fun pictures. I hope your energy returns soon. You're a trooper!
Tiffany said…
What a great trip!

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