Day of "Rest"

Sometimes I marvel at Sunday being called the day of rest. Most days of the week I wake up with Marian, leisurely eat breakfast, exercise, shower, and do whatever I want to keep us busy. So contrast that with my "day of rest" yesterday:

We started the day off with a scheduled power outage from 7 am to noon. It was a stormy day so our apartment was pretty gray! The power came back on at 9:40 as Marian and I were walking out the door. Here was our schedule the rest of the day:
7-10 Adam's meetings
9:45 practice song for Relief Society (I sang a duet with Lindsay Florence)
10:15 meeting
11:00-2:00 church, sing in Relief Society
3:00 visit teach
3:45-5:00 frantically make and frost about 90 mini cupcakes and make dinner--actually Adam was the hero here and did the cupcakes and casserole while I tried to keep up with the dishes, set the table, and prepared some training
5:00 we had our friends the Wagstaffs over for dinner
6:45 got the cupcakes to the car in the midst of a major snow/sleet storm
7-8:30 training meeting (I did about a 45-minute training)

By the time I fell in bed, I was so exhausted! Today I'm recovering from my "day of rest!"And just to clarify: I am not complaining. I am so grateful to belong to a church that continually helps me stretch and sacrifice. I am grateful my church lets me be involved and feel needed. Although I was tired and achy by the end of the day, I felt so satisfied and fulfilled from being part of the Lord's work.


MBurt said…
I can totally relate. Mine is just more like being a single mom. Brandon's meetings are from 6-5 and he sits on the stand so it's up to me to wrestle Talmage all alone. I am looking forward to permanent nursery come February. I'm not sure what I am going to do with two kids. Luckily I got released from my busy calling when Brandon got put in the bishopric. Good luck to you. I guess we'll rest on Monday.
theminerfamily said…
Oh Martha it is so true... all of it. We are truly blessed to be members of the church and have the gospel. Though I have thought about the time I spend running on Sundays since I work for a family who is Jewish and doesn't drive,cook, turn on/off lights, or "carry" on their Sabbath...sometimes that sounds nice. Though I wouldn't trade my life for a moment.
Jentry said…
I hear ya kiddo. What is Adam doing for a calling? Sounds like it's pretty up there. You are a trooper and the Lord blesses people who sing at church, I'm a believer of that principle.
Mimi Collett said…
The day of rest thing is kind of funny though. :) That is a lot of mini cupcakes! You're so good. And I loved the duet. It was such a beautiful arrangement, and I thought you and Lindsay did a great job.
Yeah pretty sure that was exhausting just reading about your day, and being pregnant on top of it, yikes! So, I hear we are having a little mystery party with you guys in a few weeks, we are so excited, it will be a ton of fun! :)
Carrie said…
Oh yes, Moey! Here it is Sunday night again, and I'm desperately in need of a day of rest from my "day of rest," after singlehandedly getting all 3 kids to church by 8:40 to play the organ . . . and of course, Alex picked last night to NOT sleep through the night! My evening was mellow though, so I can't complain. And of course I agree with you on the point of it all being worth it though. :) You're awesome for all you accomplished last Sunday!
youngfam said…
So true sundays are crazy! I loved you last post so funny. I remember after we had been married a few months ry was telling me about these 2 girls who always talk in class and how he finally shhhhushed them. (that's what i like to call it) All i could say was i married a shhhhhusher. ;) After all the times i myself was shhhhushed by the married guys who sit towards the front! Only i am not a awesome wife who packs him a brown bag lunch....
Hope you are feeling good!

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