my wonderful nerd

My mom always told me that nerds make the best husbands and I am here to testify to the truth of that statement. Tonight as I was emailing/blogging, Adam was sitting on the couch absorbed in something--I assumed a law book. To my great amusement, I turned around to see his nose buried in his watch manual. OK, maybe I'd cut him a little slack if this were a new watch for Christmas. But NO, he got it for his birthday in 2007!! He just loves to read manuals. He saves them for spare moments to study them. Several times he's said to me, "The other day I was reading our car manual and learned..." I never hear what he learned because of my utter amusement/shock that he simply just reads the manual for fun. Even now as I type he sporadically makes satisfied grunts or excited "ah's" as he discovers new things about his watch.

Like Mom always said, nerdiness is a fertile breeding ground for a wonderful husband!


Martha, hilarious post! Adam - want to come and read my camera manual for me and then teach me how to use it?!? ;)
RaeRae said…
I have to agree...i too have a wonderful nerd i mean husband although the futher he gets in school the more i think too my self hmmm what did i get myself in to. he is a wonderful husband and father i couldn't ask for anything more.
Mimi Collett said…
Hehe a desire to read manuals definitely sounds like a plus to me. :)
Tiffany said…
That's funny! I do think nerds make good husbands also. I married a computer nerd/tech junkie!
theminerfamily said…
I agree with Katie Tee. I need help with many manuals! Adam, you are the best, and don't worry she isn't the only one who married a nerd. Ask her about this... "I just LOVE airports, it's people all over the world... connecting!"

Great post!

Love, Heed... Just another nerd!(:
Nicole said…
that is FANTASTIC. alex totally does the same thing. only in addition to reading about stuff, he tends to take stuff apart. much messier.
Carrie said…
And it wasn't AT ALL awkward when Mom started using this quote with Luke one of the first times he ever came over, then quickly changed it to "Nerds make the best--uh--friends."
:) Good old Lowli!
Unknown said…
We always called my dad a nerd and he was the best ever. I love that Jared does various nerdy things like reading manuals and trying to explain cooking concepts using his chem-e classes. Funny story - after I told you that I hadn't thrown up, I went and threw up. Which is why we left sacrament early :) I wanted to go home and brush my teeth. We should get together some time, maybe Friday night next week?

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