feeling a little anti-climatic

So today is May 22, the day I have looked forward to for many months now, because it is my due date! So the good news is that I have reached my due date and the bad news is that I am still pregnant. The last couple weeks have been quite the emotional roller coaster as I have waited for the baby to come and nothing has happened.

Last Thursday we saw one of the doctors at our clinic. He checked me and said I was dilated to 3 cm, 80% effaced, and was ready to be induced anytime. He offered to induce me the next day (the 15th). We thought that was a little early so decided to come in on Monday and schedule an induction. So we had an appointment with another doctor on Monday. He said I was 3+ and still 80%. He was a little more hesitant though and offered to induce next week. We were surprised that his approach was more conservative (I think the baby had moved up higher which maybe caused that) but asked about being induced Friday (today) and he said it should "probably" be fine. I felt like we were talking him into it though, which unsettled me a little.

After stewing about it for a couple days and praying a lot, I just could not feel at peace about it, so I called and canceled the induction (after many tears of course). I don't know if it's the Spirit, hormones, instinct, or what that's causing these feelings. I guess I just want to see how my body does and see if the experience is different than with Marian.

So anyway, that's the status right now. I feel like the anti-climax of the century! Every time I call someone, they answer with "are you at the hospital?" I am definitely very antsy but feel good about this decision. Thanks to my mom for coming down today and keeping me company so I didn't think all day about how I wasn't in labor--she kept my spirits high and planted a beautiful garden out front.

Hopefully next post will be about the safe arrival of our little girl!


Bekah said…
I'm sorry! Props to you for following your gut feelings! I don't know if I could be so strong as to cancel an induction! I've been thinking of you and praying for you! Can't wait to see this beautiful baby girl! Love you!
So sorry that you're still pregnant. The waiting can definitely be the hardest part. If our house sets any kind of a precedent, you will wake up this Sunday morning with contractions. We miss you and can't wait for your new arrival. Maybe she will have the same birthday as Spencer (May 26).
Tiffany said…
Good luck with everything. Can't wait to see cute pictures of the baby.
Deanna said…
I am so proud of you Martha! I definitely am in favor of letting babies come when they're ready to. Though, I know it gets difficult towards the end and you just want them out already! Not only do I hope that your little girl is healthy but, I hope you have a good birth experience. That is so important too!
Here's a note to Adam: Please post on the blog regarding the stats of the baby when she comes :)
Jessica said…
You have always been a great example at following the Spirit and your feelings. I'm sure you made the correct decision. You are going to have two beautiful girls soon! We can't wait to see photos.
*Meg Larsen* said…
wow that's tough! i know it will be worth it in the end though. maybe she wants to share a birthday with me... ;o) though maybe you don't want to wait till next Saturday!

keep us updated and let me know if you need anything. i can be great company :o)

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