we're back!!

Hello again blogging world! Time to do one of those huge catch-up-on-everything-all-at-once posts! Things are still busy but have mellowed out a little bit, as I decided to let go of the hospice job I was doing. It was just too stressful. It required a lot of during the week meetings, which infringed on Adam's schooling. And I really didn't enjoy going to sleep not knowing if the phone was going to ring. So now I'm going back to two nights/week at the hospital again.

The girls are doing well. Emmy has started doing physical therapy due to tightening on the left side of her neck, which has in turn caused a flat spot. The physical therapist has given us some stretches to do at home and I honestly don't know who hates them more--Emmy or me. (I usually end up coercing Adam to do them!) I also have to check on her while she's asleep and turn her head if she's sleeping on the flat spot. (I almost laughed when the therapist said it, thinking to myself "What mother in her right mind actually goes in her baby's room and wakes her baby up while she's sleeping?") I'll admit, it was all a little overwhelming at first. She's doing well though and I just hope it helps and prevents her having to wear a helmet.

This is Adam doing her stretches. But the real reason I took the picture is because Mini was doing the stretches on her doll!

Here are some more pictures from our last month...

You can probably guess what Mini is doing here. She is such a good little mommy to her 2 dolls: Emmy and Liesel.

Here are the girls in their big sister/little sister shirts from Carrie.

A couple weeks ago we went to St. George with Tracy and Hanna and had a great time. This was on a little hike in Red Cliffs.

Aren't Mini and Sophie cute? They could easily pass for sisters.

This next picture brings me to my next point--potty training! Mini is doing awesome. She still wears diapers to bed and pull-ups to church, but other than that I would say she is fully potty trained. Once we just hit it hard, she was really fast.

This was our Halloween gingerbread house we did for FHE. Holidays are definitely more fun with little kids around. (And it's really fun having a husband who is a little kid, just in a big kid body. He was more excited about this than Mini was! And yep, he's a whistler.)

Emmy supervised from the chair

This was Mini eating some of the house the next day :)

Finally, the most exciting event was last night moving Emmy from our room to Mini's room. For some reason, she was the only one that slept well, but at least she enjoyed it. (Mini kept Adam and me up a lot.) Mini was excited though and thus far (judging by the last 17 hours) has done a great job of sharing her space! I can't believe Emmy is growing up so fast.


Carrie said…
What cute pictures and updates, Moey! Emmy and Mini look so grown-up. I can't wait to see them in two months. They sure look cute together in their shirts!
Love, Bobbie
Robnz Fam said…
Fun pics Martha! I'm excited for Mini and that potty training! Emi wears diapers at nap/church/bedtime too...the only thing we can't do is get her to go #2 in the toilet! She just holds it in and gets bad tummy aches from it...any advice on that one?!
Unknown said…
Yay for Mini! I love the pictures, Emmy is getting so big. Love you guys.
emily said…
so so cute marth! they girls totally alike! miss you!
gbrooks said…
the girls are so adorable! we need to get together soon!
The Bish Fam said…
Fun to see an update of your girls...I have loved getting to see you guys more {lucky for us that you come to St. George!}
Spencer said…
Thanks so much for posting, Mo! I think those pictures just made my week. They are so darn cute! And maybe it's just cuz she's chunkified, but Emmy looks so much older than in Balboa I need to get up there quick before she gets any older!
Anni Winings said…
Yay for the update! We miss you all, even though we're only a mile and a half away. Seems like we still can't get together enough. I miss our summer walks. Your girls are so amazingly adorable. Mini looks so grown up. You have such a wonderful little family.
MBurt said…
Wow, I'm impressed she was in your room that long. Adeline got moved around 4 weeks. Hey, you look great are you running or just working to death. Cute girls! We need to buckle down and do the potty training. There always seems to be something on the horizon that I can wait until after.
Great update! Hurray for mini potty training, that is exciting. And Emi is so cute and getting so big. I love the big/little sis shirts from Carrie, too cute! Martha, you look so skinny! Glad you guys are doing well. I also have to tell you we went trick or treating to your mom's house yesterday and we almost scored the whole basket of candy - your mom said if Lance could tell her "1-20" we could have it all! Unfortunately he was too mesmerized by the big basket of candy to follow my instructions! ;)
theminerfamily said…
Good update! Don't ever feel bad about taking long to update, you sound busy! I love the photos of your girls, they are so big and beautiful! We'll be there for Christmas, hopefully we can get together. Love ya.
Ally said…
Cute pictures! your girls are beautiful. Our niece had the same tightening in her neck as well. She now has a helmet for the flat spot. So i guess it is more common then i thought. But i dont think she ever went to a physical therapist.
I am glad that you are all doing well. Love you and think of you often.
Robnz Fam said…
Hey there! This is Sara..Carrols little sis. I made a blog about my lymes and stuff you should watch my video on it :) dancersaramarie.blogspot.com
Tiffany said…
wow, you have been busy and doing so much. awesome on the potty training and putting both girls in the same room.
Mimi Collett said…
Mini is such a good mommy to her dollies! How cute! :) I hope the exercises work well. Emmy looks like such a happy baby! :) Thanks for updating us!!

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