
I'll will be landing in sunny, 70 degree Southern California for three days at Disneyland with Adam (and just Adam). I can't wait!


Anni Winings said…
I hope you have the grandest ever time. I'm excited for you - I think both of you could use a break. The new pictures of your girls on the blog are so cute!
RaeRae said…
have so much fun. danny and i loved it when we went with just us we got to do so much you wouldnt do with kids. like touring walt disney's apartment.
apewinterton said…
How fun for you guys! Have a blast!
Lachelle said…
So fun! Ben and I did that this past fall. It's so great to have a little "us" time break. Can't wait to see pictures.
Jenae said…
How fun!!!! I would love to do that with Glenn and no kids!
Linnea said…
Hurrah! Hurrah!
Chanting - We want pictures! We want pictures!
Mimi Collett said…
WOW! A vacation with just the hubs! Enjoy yourself!! :)

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