Hello blogging world!

I have spent the last hour surfing blogs and am now inspired to join the world of blogging. I love being able to read more about what is happening in other people's lives. We actually set up our blog about three weeks ago but haven't done much with it. (The initial post is in an incomplete travel log of our Israel trip in June. Hopefully I'll finish that one later...) So, to start out I'll give a little update on our lives.

Adam: started law school at BYU this year, hoping to have an internship in China this summer (except it's really an externship because it's unpaid), 2nd counselor EQ presidency

Martha: full-time mommy, working as an RN on the medical/oncology floor of Utah Valley Regional Medical Center about 12 hours/week, RS president

Marian: starting walking in the last week and a half!, has gone from one step (Oct 18) to now walking across the room if she can keep her balance that long, has 2 teeth, learned to wave bye-bye, can take her binkie off the clip by herself, being a chicken for Halloween and won a Halloween costume contest at a ward Halloween party.

Here is a clip from when she first took steps. Sorry it's the wrong way--anybody know how to change the orientation of the video? If so, let me know!

We took a fun trip to St. George a couple weeks ago when Adam had a "placement break" from school. Here are some of the highlights from the trip.

Swimming with Granny

Marian has gotten good at giving kisses, if she's in the mood for it. But if you ask for it, you better be ready for a slobbery, mouth wide open smacker right on the mouth!

We had fun mountain biking on the Bear Claw Poppy trail right behind my parents' condo--our favorite trail. I hadn't been since before being pregnant!

We also went waterskiing at Gunlock Reservoir. As soon as Adam stepped into the wetsuit his superhero alter-ego took over. Unfortunately the boat broke before either of us got to ski.


The Bish Fam said…
It's about stinkin' time that you got a blog! Now I can finally find out what has been going on in your life. I actually went to the temple with Anna this past week. It was fun to see her and hear about how everything is going. Marian is adorable. I can't believe how big she is and that she is WALKING! Very impressive :) I am excited for all of the future blogs to come :) Love you tons!

Andrea said…
YEA!!!! I am so excited that you have a blog! I think that Marian is going to go straight from walking to trail running to keep up with her awesome mom and dad! She is amazing! I love it, your family is so wonderful; scratch that: fabulomundo!
Jen and Ty said…
So excited and I really can't hide it. I know I live closer to you than anyone else, but blogging is so much fun...even if we do live only a couple blocks away from each other!
Nicole said…
hooray! welcome to blogging!

isn't the bear claw poppy trail the best? alex and i love it.
Carrie said…
Hi, guys! I love the blog. It's so fun to see Marian's first steps . . . what a whiz kid! I miss all three of you. The picture of swimming with Grannie made me wish so much we could have come to St. George with you. We were there in spirit. I love you!

Love, Carrie
Martha - I am SOOOO happy that you guys started a blog. I am dying to hear more about your trip to Israel, so you'll have to post more pic's. Anyhow- sounds like life is great - I want to see more pic's of cute Marian as well. I can't believe she is walking already, that is amazing - and hello, rs president - I wouldn't have expected otherwise, however, so time consuming - your ward is lucky to have you guys! So, I hear that you have been hanging out a few times w/ our bf's from Fresno - Devin and Naomi - aren't they the cutest ever? We just love them to pieces! Well, so happy that you started a blog, and now we can stay in touch. Love, Katie
M said…
I agree with Bex! So glad to see you've joined the masses. I'm glad to read more about Israel. And Marian...ooodellalee...ooodelalee! Love you guys!
Deanna said…
Another blog to add to my favorites :) Your family is so cute!
Bekah said…
I do remember a time in August when you told me that you would never have a blog -- seems like you got suckered into it, just like me! :)Glad to see you've joined the club -- I can't wait for more postings and pictures!
youngfam said…
Hi (it's tiff mears) I am so excited you have a blog too! Marian is a doll... that's awesome she is walking! Stockton just started too and he is covered in bruises! Big kids fall hard =) I am excited to keep in touch! Looking forward for more on your israel trip too, sounds awesome! The pic of adam is so fuuny!!

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Olivia Lori Birk