Adam's quirkiness

Hi fans!

(DISCLAIMER: Anything you might or might not read in the following post is not necessarily a statement of fact and does not represent the views, beliefs or opinions of BIRK Inc.)

After Martha's comment on her last post I (Adam) felt that I should honor you all with my presence on this blog. Martha's quirks are kind of cool and actually useful at times. Not only does Martha make mathematical equations out of license plates, she also has an amazing ability to remember them. Let me take a moment to expound on this: When I think of our car I think "blue", "civic", "dirty", etc. When Martha thinks of our car she thinks "498 VFH." (When she thinks of me she thinks "number 1"). When we're driving around town and I think one of our friends is in the car in front of us I just ask Martha and she can tell me ("Oh, no, sweety, that's not the Martins; their license number is ........"etc.). What's funny is that Martha can't tell the difference between an Altima and a Camry if she can't read the model name on the rear end of the car. (I can tell certain makes by their headlights in the night). I guess we compliment each other that way.
The point is, with abilities like that, Martha should really drop out of all that nursing stuff and join the CIA.

The real purpose for writing this post was to reply to what in blogger lingo is referred to as "being tagged." So, I think I'm supposed to explain some of my quirks or special things about me.
Here goes.....

1. I have a fungus (or maybe it's fungi) on my right foot that reappears every summer and makes my sock cling to my right foot. I think it started when I played tennis bare foot and developed huge blisters because of it.
(By now, you're probably wondering if you want to read the rest of this post and regretting that you let me take off my shoes when I visited your home; Martha probably just resolved to NEVER tag me again and never let me blog while I'm home alone.)

2. I used to be fat and I didn't even realize it. This is a great story. During my high school years I gradually developed the puppy fat that should have come and gone by the time I was 13. The summer I turned 18 I traveled through the states with my parents and siblings. We stayed at the Marriott Residence Inn while we were in Utah and they have a fantastic breakfast (I long for it even now as I write). I'd start out each day with pancakes, waffles, scrambled eggs, etc. It was great. Then I'd get in the van and drive around all day. (By that time in my life, I hadn't really caught on to the exercise thing.) For lunch I'd grab some hamburgers or burritos, and for dinner I'd have pizza or tater tots or something else like that. I'd finish off the day with a few bowls of cookies and cream ice cream. (This is called the Adams Diet. If you're one of those skinny guys who's trying to put on weight, I promise this will work.)
After a few weeks it was time to head home. As we were packing our bags, my dad borrowed a scale from one of my aunts to check that the suit cases weren't over the weight limit. He put it on the ground and said "hey, Adam, jump up on that and see if it works." As a stepped up on the scale the needle turned to the magic number of 200. "I don't think it's working," I told my dad, "I don't weigh 200 pounds." My dad turned to my aunt: "Do you think he could weigh 200 pounds." (My aunt glanced up and down my corpulent body.) "He's a big boy," she responded. Despite such empirical evidence I was still in denial. I don't know if it was the stretch marks or the fact that my newly purchased suit was already getting a little tight around the waist, but I eventually faced up to the fact that I had become a chunk. Just now, I figured out that my BMI would have been 28.7. That's only 1.3 points from obese........AWESOME!
The rest of the story: That fall I lost 25 pounds during my first semester at BYU. I guess Ramen noodles and Mac and Cheese aren't so bad for you after all.

- Till next Sunday night.


Maggie said…
Okay, LOL. I was seriously laughing so hard at this post. I could barely stop to tell Justin what was so funny. Adam,you kill me. Too funny. Thanks for sharing.
Deanna said…
Adam, that was AWESOME! Thank you for honoring us with your unique writing style and humor. There's just something about the husbands posting that makes our blogs that more interesting. That's how I feel when Charles posts too. I especially like the story of the fungus on your right foot and also your fat story. I had heard the fat story briefly before but this version with all the details is priceless!
Bekah said…
I'm with Maggie -- this was a hilarious post! Thanks for sharing, and keep it up!

PS- I can't tell you how much I LOVE that Martha married someone with a FOOT fungus of all things! Have her tell you about the time that we all ganged up on her and touched her with our feet in highlights. I'm sure it's one of her favorite memories! :)

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