Catching up...

You know how sometimes you have a great idea that actually ends up being really lame? Well, when my co-worker who takes most the 6-hour shifts that I do had a baby, I thought it was a great idea to pick up a bunch of her shifts and make some extra money for us. It sounded like a great idea but has been really LAME going to the hospital 4 nights/week! Hence the reason I have not blogged in forever. This schedule only lasts this week and next--hallelujah!

So I finally have an evening home and have loved catching up on all your blogs! Now I'll write about some of the highlights from the last month or so. Where to start?...

First off, I need to say how wonderful Adam is. He has a beautiful voice, plays the guitar, and used to write songs. (He bought himself an electric guitar after the mission, but that's another story for another day...) Well, I've been begging him to write me a song for awhile and he totally surprised me on Valentine's Day with a song he wrote for me, plus a music video to go with it. It is the sweetest thing ever. Some of the video is of him playing the guitar and the rest is pictures of us. When I saw it the first time, I started crying because it meant so much. Sorry to be so mushy. The Saturday after Valentine's Day I took him on a date to the Murray Arts Center. We went early for the cha-cha lesson, then danced the night away! It made me want to be really good at dancing together. Even if we're not good, we had fun.

The next thing that comes to mind is that we have successfully weaned Marian off both the bottle and the binkie! We did them both basically in the same week, but she did great! I was at a play group with sisters in the ward and one mom was talking about how much binkies can affect teeth. Well, I came home and decided we were done and that was that.

On President's Day, we hiked into my family's cabin with my family. It was beautiful! We found a hilarious snow suit for Marian at a Children's Place sale (thanks Mags for the lead). She looked so cute in it. Adam kept saying she looked like the Michelin man, but of course I don't know who he is, so you can judge for yourself. We had a lot of fun. My own personal success was not making yellow snow like I did when we went sledding on Martin Luther King Day. (Email/call me for details. It just feels too public to tell the story here.)
The next day Adam and I went skiing at Alta and, again, it was gorgeous! It was Adam's second time ever and my first time in probably 3 years. We had fun and got fried. (We forgot sunscreen.) I had to work that night and everyone was staring at me and offering their advice/suggestions (of course, because they're all nurses).

There have also been some big family events. Adam's brother, Aaron, got engaged. We're excited for him and his darling fiancee Lauren! Also, my uncle passed away last week. He had been sick for a while, but even so, you always have that "is this for real?" feeling when you hear the news.

We're doing well though. I'll try to be more consistent at posting so it's not a huge novel when I finally do write!


*Meg Larsen* said…
i agree with adam--she totally looks like the Michelin man (or however you spell that!) you should google it, you'll laugh when you see real pictures.

i'll call you this week and we'll catch up :o)
Deanna said…
I LOVE those pics of Marian! I had no idea of Adam's musical talent. How sweet that he wrote you a song and made a video! I guess we didn't catch up too much when we were over judging on the fact that we didn't talk about any of this. Funny how watching your children every second zaps your brain sometimes AND stifles conversations :)
I LOVE that Adam wrote you a song for V-day and better yet - did a whole music video, what a talented, creative, sweet guy! And that snowsuit is CLASSIC! Michelin Man? State Puff Marshmellow Man - YEP!
Jentry said…
Free to Pee! I had forgotten that when you laugh you pee. Loved your post.
Maggie said…
I would have made yellow snow too if I had seen Marian in that snow suit. She is so sweet. Why is it so funny to see kids and babies bundled up in snow gear? Too cute.
M said…
Glad to be caught up on life with the Birks. You and Adam are always doing fun/sweet things for each other. I love that about you two!
Katie said…
What a big month! Marian looks so darling in her snow suit. I am cracking up at the idea of yellow snow. Marth, you are the greatest.

We need a roomie get together soon!
Kristen said…
Hey Martha, I came home and typed in your blog so I wouldn't forget the address. Fun to see all the pictures. We'll have to do another play-date sometime. Good to see you! Hope 7th heaven treats you well.
The Fox Family said…
Martha! How are you? I was so happy to run into your cute blog from Tiff's. You have such a darling family and your little girl is such a doll! My blog link is Hope all is well! -Cara
Martha it's so nice to see your blogspot, Grant and I now have one that you can go see and I know you will be interested about some of the information on the blogspot, our site is
It's so fun to read your spot so many of your quirks are quirks I have especially the number thing. I don't do it with license plates but with any other number formation I will turn it into an equation. Another similar thing, is that dancing is huge in my family and we will totally turn on music and just start dancing in the kitchen, it's fun.
I hope you and Adam are doing well with your cute Marian. And check out my blogspot, you might be excited aobut what you see.

Sarah Jackson

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