Three cheers for a face-lift!

Our blog really needed a face-lift and I finally did it today! Now just logging onto my blog makes me happy, even if there aren't any new comments. Thank you to Sarah Roundy for the link to cute and free templates!


Katie said…
I think your new blog looks great! Hope your Dad is feeling better. I'm glad that you escaped without injury.
MBurt said…
I now have been cured of any desire to go mountain biking. Glad to hear you are doing well. Rin
*Meg Larsen* said…
I agree! Super cute :o) And it is much more fun to see comments on your blog, isn't it? In case you ever wonder, the three of us are VERY interested in your lives and adventures (And your whines, complains, and downs, so don't feel like you have to hold back!)

See you in a few weeks--try to keep yourself in one piece, ok?
*Meg Larsen* said…
yes yes Martha and sewing! Not to brag (ok, maybe just a little) but all I have left to do on my fabulous quilt is bind the edges! it turned out fabulous and i'm fresh and practiced, so soon would be the time while i still remember all the tricks!!! I also picked up some sewing patterns at joann's the other day for 99 cents (including some halloween costumes and such!) so we'll have to start sewing or something...
Unknown said…
Love the blog, it is great to see. i hope your pappy is feeling better. Marian is so cute! love you and miss you!
RaeRae said…
whats the place to get the cut "face-lift"? I could use some I deas when i get areound to doing our blog.
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Olivia Lori Birk