Attack of the Monster Jelly Fish

Sorry, the title is a lie. We were not attacked by any jelly fish or anything else; I just wanted your attention.

Yesterday Martha and Marian and I went to Ocean Park here in Hong Kong. I'm sure Martha will fill you in on the details; however, it's time for my semi-annual blog post, so I thought I'd share one of my special experiences with you all.

We went to the jelly fish house to see the jelly fish. As we entered, we walked through a number of rooms with aquariums, mirrors, and really cool jelly fish. The rooms were all dark and the only light in the rooms came from the aquariums that would shine colored lights on the jelly fish. After walking through a corridor we came to a long room that was filled with tons of people. I was wondering where all the people came from because it didn't seem very crowded when we entered the exhibit. Anyway, I went over and looked at the jelly fish, then started towards the other end of the room to find the way out. It was really dark, so I couldn't tell where the exit was. As I started to the other end of the room there was a white guy that came towards me. When he was just in front of me we both stopped and "danced" back and forth a couple of times. I said "sorry" and tried to walk around him, but he moved at the exact same time and in the same direction again. Martha started laughing, and I realized that I was facing a mirror, and the man I was "dancing" with was myself.


Martha said…
Thanks for posting Adam! And for making me laugh so hard by dancing with yourself. Jeg elsker dig.
Maggie said…
Way funny story. I'm glad that you weren't too proud to share's probably something I would've done. I hate feeling like I've "been had". LOL
Spencer said…
MOSOBO! You rock, that's all I have to say!
(And good luck in the Philipines!)
That's hilarious, Adam. We love hearing about your adventures.
Spencer said…
Good thing you weren't wielding your axe gimli :)

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Olivia Lori Birk