I like big Buddhas and I cannot lie

Welcome home Adam! Having him back has been great. Not that being alone in a cramped apartment in a hot, humid city 8000 miles from home is lonely or anything. I just like having him around.

Saturday we had a fantastic adventure. We went to Lantau Island to see the world's largest outdoor seated Buddha! (The natural question is if there is a larger one standing or outside somewhere and I have no idea.) This guy was pretty impressive!

Just for the record, he is not very old. Adam was thinking that we were going to see some 2500 year old artifact. For him, after growing up in Denmark, "old" starts at 500 years (his parents' house was originally built in 1805). So you can imagine his disappointment when I told him this Buddha was erected in 1993.

We rode a cable car 3.5 miles over a mountain to get to it, which provided an incredible view of the surrounding area. (This was instead of the 50-minute bus ride on windy narrow roads.) We could see Buddha from the tram coming in--he stands 35 meters high.

To reach Buddha we climbed the 260 stairs and enjoyed the view of the surrounding area, until the clouds came in. Marian walked all but about 30 stairs--she was a trooper!

Right across from the Buddha is the Po Lin Monastery.

Here is Buddha from the monastery--kind of a cool picture with him sitting way up in the clouds.

It was interesting to see people come and worship. As far as I understand they worship Buddha as well as their ancestors. They leave bowls of fruit out for their ancestors (you can see the oranges in the picture below). They also have large incense-burning ovens with incense available there for people to buy.

It was all very interesting to me. We watched a movie in the little tourist village Ngong Ping about the life of Buddha and how he came to be the Buddha or "the enlightened one." I think there are definitely some important truths there, just not the complete truth. I think it's interesting these people feel such a tie to their ancestors because we do too in our church! If you think about temples, we dedicate a lot of time and service to our ancestors also.


Melissa Markham said…
Awesome adventure! I loved the pictures of the buddha. And I'm impressed, even though he's still a baby. (I'm old enough to be his mother.) :) Good job Marian climbing all the stairs! I miss her SO much! It was great to chat with you Mo. Keep the posts coming! love you
Spencer said…
We love the blog!! Keep it up Birks!

It's so fun to hear about your crazy chinese adventures! And I love all the pictures--something about Marian makes me giggle every time I see a picture of her! She's so dang cute! I hope things keep going well...can't wait to hear more!
Man I love reading about all of your stories and adventures! Keep having the time of your life!
Maggie said…
You are on a roll. I loved the pictures. I think you are patient to let Marian walk up all the steps (or smart). We miss you guys but are glad you're having so many fun adventures.
Matt said…
A couple things, real quick:

1. I love the title of this post

2. This blog has more killer pics than any I have seen

3. You're living in Hong Kong, in a closet, holy crap

4. Nice photo shop on that picture of you "walking" on the rocks with your shoes off. As if. We all know you would never do that.

5. I really, really, really like the name Marian. Classy.

That is all!
Deanna said…
Oh wow! Sounds like you guys are having some crazy adventures, how fun! I love all the pictures and esp love the title of this post :)
Richard Boyer said…
Martha and Adam,
I finally got caught up and read your blog from when you first arrived in HK. Where have I been? I just never think of it at the right time. It is so fun to read of your adventures. You write so well. I loved Adam's dance with the guy in the mirror and all the stories about Marian. I especially love the pictures. I'll get Lowli on the computer today and show her how to get in. Keep the posts coming!
Love you guys!
Nicole said…
seriously cool. i just told alex that we're SO going on some kind of exotic internship next summer.
Katie said…
What an amazing adventure you are having. That is so cool. It will be so amazing for Marian to have all these pictures. She is so cute.

Marth, your hair is darling! I think you look so much like your cute Mom.
Amy said…

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