We are here!

Hello from Hong Kong! What an adventure it has been! I don't really know where to start. So, the flight over here was SOOO long! Marian did OK. We weren't able to take her car seat on, but there were extra seats so we had three seats by each other. We tried giving her Benadryl but it didn't do much. She slept about 6 hrs of the 15 hr flight. I slept about 5 hrs. At one point I lay down on the floor in front of our seats because I couldn't get comfortable in the seats.

Anyway, the attorney Adam is working with here, Mike Jensen, met us at the airport with a senior missionary couple, the Newells. It was so nice to have them there to meet us! (By the way, to answer some of your questions--we are here for Adam's externship with the church's legal office here in Hong Kong.) They got us on the train from the airport to Hong Kong island then a taxi to our apartment.

So, we get to our apartment, open the door, and have a look. I seriously felt like crying when I saw it. From the pictures I knew it was small, but it seriously is tiny. I just measured it right now using my own wingspan (approximately 5 feet). It is 1 wingspan plus about to the elbow wide and 2 wingspans plus an arm long. Stand up and do that yourself to visualize. I’m guessing 6.5 feet by 12 feet and that’s being generous. I don’t know where they got 220 square feet, but that would feel like a mansion! Anyway, I don’t mean to complain, but it has been a struggle for me because it’s so small. We’ve managed for 5 days now, so I’m sure it’ll be fine.

Other than our apartment, it is amazing here!! The city is so spectacular. The island really isn’t that big so they compensate by building straight up. There are huge skyscrapers everywhere! The architecture is incredible. When you’re walking along the sidewalk, it feels like a normal big city but then you look up and see these 75 story skyscrapers looming above you!

We’ve already had some fun adventures. Saturday we went out to breakfast with the Jensens and Newells (the same missionary couple—Elder Newell works with Mike) and they showed us around the city a little. We spent the day shopping, napping, and getting things we needed. We crashed that night at 7:30.

Sunday we went to church in the English speaking branch. The area presidency goes to that branch so three general authorities were there (Elders Garn, Perkins, and Hallsworth). Church is a 12-story building with three chapels and the area offices on the 8-10 floors. It’s beautiful! Adam works on the 10th floor.

Monday was Buddha’s b-day, so no work. We rode the tram to Victoria Peak which overlooks the city. It is an impressive sight!

Yesterday, Adam worked so I explored. I went to Victoria Park, which is beautiful. I found a playground for Marian and she played for a long time. Being with her is like walking down the street with Tom Cruise. Everyone loves her! People want to take pictures with her all the time! Here is how it went at the playground: 2 teenage girls came up and asked to take a picture with Marian. Then a man and a woman walked up and said they were from a local magazine and were introducing this particular playground in the magazine and would it be OK if my daughter was in some of the shots. The man took pictures while the lady talked to me about playgrounds in America, why we chose this particular playground, etc. They left after awhile and Marian and I left to see more of the park. As we were walking, a group of 4 teenage girls surrounded Marian and started posing and taking pictures with her! So I got a picture too. What a celebrity!

Here are some pictures. This is from our Sunday afternoon walk.

These are the girls that loved Marian.

As you may have noticed from the picture, I chopped my hair! Hooray! I donated 10 inches to Locks of Love. It’s so great to have a change! Thanks to my cute friend Hanna Farr for doing it. (If you’re in Provo and need a good hairdresser, she’s amazing. And she does it in her home, so it’s convenient.)

Sorry, blogger is being really slow, so I’m not going to be able to do all the pictures I want right now. Keep checking though as I’m sure we’ll have more to report soon!


I was so excited to find a post from you this morning. Wow, I can't believe the size of your apartment. It sure makes me feel silly for ever wishing I had more than my 1100 sqft. I loved the picture of the girls and Marian. How interesting that everyone wants her picture. She is very cute, of course.
Please keep the updates coming.
The Bish Fam said…
Wow! You guys are definitely in for an adventure...I guess you'll be going out a LOT so that you can have some space. What a neat experience to be there though and explore a new place. Love that you are so popular there! That is exactly what our friends said (they live in Singapore...and everywhere they go around Asia they get that!) Fun to see an update!
Maggie said…
I'm sorry about your teeny tiny apt. I feel like crying for you. I guess that it will just make getting out all the more exciting. Your hair is super cute. I love it. Anyway, good luck and make sure you post often.
Martha, it's so crazy to here of your experiences and see the pictures. I have gone to some of the places you are talking about and I'm curious if the park you went to is the huge beautiful one I went to. I'm so excited for your family this is a really great adventure.
Jentry said…
Ritz, what an adventure! Think of how roomy your apartment will be when you come home! I love you hair and the picture with the four girls is precious. Think of how fun that picture will be in Marian's wedding video!
Carrie said…
Moey, I love your hair--it's so cute! I hope you're not too lonely and cramped. I'm sure if anyone can make the best of it, it's you and Adam. So Marian is a huge hit! That's cute--I'm sure she likes being a star. Enjoy yourself and know that we're thinking of you guys!
Love you, Carrie
*Meg Larsen* said…
yikes!! feel free to complain as much as you want--I whine about my 1.5 bedroom cottage, though the "lawn" is pretty scary right now...

glad to know you made it safe! we love you!
Spencer said…
I can't believe you're there! OF COURSE Marian is the hit of the whole island, though I'm surprised you stand out at all :) You'll have to send pictures of your apt--do you still have a bed? a kitchen? a bathroom? You are a tropper! I'm so excited to hear more...Good luck to you and we love you!
And your hair is darling
Spencer says save room for the cockroaches in your tiny apt
Jen and Ty said…
I miss you already! I have wanted to call you many times this last week and then remember that any messages I leave won't be listened too for over a month. I love love love your hair and am so excited to see it in person! I am glad you are loving your adventure and hope you can survive your apartment. It sounds like it is about the size of our storage unit and I can't imagine living in it. I know if anyone can make the most of it, you can!
Martha, I am sorry about your apartment, but you are in HONG KONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is amazing. I love that picture of Marian with the girls, that is too funny! You guys will have the best time ever, just make sure you get out as much as possible. So does your bed fold up into the wall or something? You should post a pic of the place. Good luck and I hope you have the most incredible time ever!
M said…
I love your hair, Moof! It's darling. (And you are so generous and unselfish to give it away, as always). Three cheers for the three of you (I guess that makes nine) for your bravery, energy and positive-attitudes! I'm praying for you. My Dad was very excited (and a bit jealous) when I told him where you are and what Adam is doing. Maybe I'll send him to stay with you in your big apartment. ;)
Melissa Markham said…
Slooney -
I remember taking the tram to the top of Victorian Peak the first Sunday we were there, too!!! How fun! It was beautiful, and I remember being very sleepy... Your hair looks darling! Way to follow the trend. :) Remember how everyone loved Marian in Israel too? This is just one more stop on her international tour. :) We love you guys!
Nicole said…
wow! sorry about the apartment, but that will just give you another reason to explore the city. i am so dang jealous. also, i LOVE the haircut and here's a coincidence: i know hanna. she was in our old wyview ward. anyway, enjoy your adventure and post lots of pictures!
Bekah said…
Love your hair, love the update, and love you! Keep the posts coming!

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Olivia Lori Birk