missing Adam, the beach, and friends

First of all, I miss Adam, who has been in Washington DC since Saturday and gets home tomorrow. (He's interviewing for internships for next summer.) I know he hasn't even been gone that long, but I miss him! Taking my best friend out of my daily life is no fun! Marian misses him too. I babysat for a friend today and when she knocked on the door, I said "Who is it Marian?" She excitedly responded "Dada!" Too bad it wasn't!

Next, I miss the beach. Ever since my Dad was 2, his family has gone to Newport Beach for a summer vacation. It is such a fun tradition and is like a home away from home after all these years. But a couple years ago, my family decided to break with tradition and do Balboa every other year and see other places in the country on the off year. So next week we are going to the Outer Banks in North Carolina. It will a blast! My parents rented a 10-bedroom home where we will all stay together (24 1/2 of us). I'm totally excited for that and I know we'll do some good beach-bumming, but I still miss my 17th Street home beach.

Finally, I miss all my friends who are moving! This happens every year and I hate it every year! I know some of you haven't moved quite yet, but here's the list of people moving this year: Jen to Arizona, Mags to Colorado, Heidi to Michigan, Deanna to Georgia, Jessica to Tennesse, and Jenae to Texas. Plus, my sister Carrie moved from Spokane, which is a cheap Southwest ticket away, to St. Louis. Please come back and visit lots everybody!!


Adam Birk said…
I miss you too sweetheart. Thanks for the post. See you tomorrow.
Love Adam
Deanna said…
Oh I love Newport too since that is where Charles and I were married. I have heard great things about Outer Banks- you'll have to tell me how it went. And I really hope you guys go to DC next summer since it's at least closer. Isn't it sad w/o a husband? So glad you'll see him soon. Oh and I forgot to ask you how Marian is liking nursery?
*Meg Larsen* said…
Yeah Eric just left this morning but I already miss him ;o) Hope Adam's interviews went well!

I know you guys head out on Saturday, but if you're around Friday did you want to come to the BYU olympics opening party with Scotty and I? It's on campus at 7pm Friday (the opening ceremonies start at 8) and they'll have games and free eggrolls and such...just let me know!
Spencer said…
I'm so excited to hear how things went for Adam back in DC! What a cool thing that he got those interviews! That was so great ot see you guys last week...thanks for coming all the way up. See you in three days--yahoo!
PS--I love my bag, Mo! I've gotten so many compliments so thank you!
Wow that is a long list of people moving away! ;( I've been to the outer banks, it is AWESOME, you'll love it. 10 bedroom home, that will be such a party!
Andrea said…
Yea! We LOVE Outer Banks! Wave to us here in Cville as you fly over! Your China posts were AMAZING! I hope that everything is going great. Someday I hope we are in Utah the same day so I can meet wonderful little Marian.
Love 'ya Ritz!
Unknown said…
Martha, I miss you too! I feel like I haven't seen you forever because of all of our travelling Love you!
theminerfamily said…
Martha, I hope your trip was awesome. Thanks again for getting together, I really enjoyed our talks and hugs! I will miss you too, but will see you in four months!

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Olivia Lori Birk