Oxi Clean and singing

I just need to put a plug out there for Oxi Clean. Three of my favorite shirts of Marian's got bad stains on them. I tried everything: washed them, treated them with Shout then washed them, treated them with Fuller pre-wash then washed them, and they still looked awful. So we soaked them overnight in Oxi Clean and--ta-da--good as new! My friend Marinda also did an Oxi Clean testimonial blog post but hers was more effective with the before and after pictures. I'll have to do that next time. Tonight is the ward campout and I'm going to let Marian roll in the dirt if she wants because I know Oxi Clean is there for me. What a relief to find something that really works!

I also want to write about how much I love singing! Thursday nights are now the highlight (or one of them) of my week because I get to go to choir practice. It's so fun remembering all the things I had forgotten about singing and going around the house with choral songs in my head. I think it's easy as a mom to totally lose yourself in being a mom and wife, so it feels great to do something I love--just for me. And thanks to Adam for supporting me so I can do it.


Melissa Markham said…
Slooney - I'm SO glad you're singing again! Just the other day, actually, I was thinking about your singing and wondering if you're keeping it up. Way to go!
Oh, and by the way, any way we could get a loan from Marian to make it through grad school? :)
Maggie said…
I'm so glad that the oxi clean worked for you. there's nothing like getting a few outfits back that you thought you had lost. Can't wait to hear about the ward campout.
Deanna said…
Yay for singing! Performing is completely rejunvinating for me. 2 wks ago I got to sing in an octet for Stake Conf and it was wonderful. I am happy when I am in a consistent choir that sings so I'm so glad you are doing that too :)
Tiffany said…
Glad you found a stain remover that works! What would we, mothers, do without stain removers?! I'll have to remember Oxi clean the next time. Did you do the spray or the ones in the big containers?
Mimi Collett said…
I'm glad you love it! :) I am so excited that we're going to start Christmas music now!

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