no baby yet

Unfortunately my lack of blogging is not because life has been crazy having 2 kids! Nope--I'm not one of those lucky people who delivers babies early. My lack of blogging has been because life has been crazy moving into a house. Our friends the Wagstaffs have (sadly) left for a year and so we re-located to their house for Adam's last year of school. We are sad to lose them but are so excited to be in their house! Adam and I keep finding things that we love about being here: dishwasher, washer and dryer, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, our own driveway, no 20-step staircase to get to our apartment, no surprise disappearances of water pressure while in the shower, abundant closet space, a yard, etc. etc.

The move went well. Adam decreed that every last thing would be in a box so that the move would be organized. So I gathered boxes from stores all over Provo and we went to work. The move went really quickly with a lot of help from ward members and family. We could have done without the pouring rain, but that's OK. I don't think anything was damaged.

Here's the living room the night before the move.

Now we're basically settled in and (not so patiently) waiting for the baby to come. My blood pressure has been good, which I am relieved about, and I'm still plugging along at work until the baby comes.

Here are just random pictures of Mini. I love this one with chocolate blacking out her front tooth.

And this is how she loves to dress herself lately--socks pulled all the way up with sandals. Whatever.


Mimi Collett said…
I'm glad the move went well! The driveway and three bedrooms (and everything else) does sound great! I'm glad you like your new place. I like Mini's apron! She's so cute. :)
Eric and Angela said…
Isn't it amazing how much stuff you have when you are moving? I am always overwhelmed with how much we have.
Hang in there with the baby. I have passed my due date and I am still pregnant. This baby just doesn't want to come out. :(
Jessica said…
Hey for the house! Give it time and you will wonder how you ever lived in the small apartment. Or maybe it's just me. I tell Jeff all the time I can't believe we lived in our apartment (next to you) for 3 years. :) Is the house still in the area? I hope so because Kellen and I will be in Utah August 4-11th and would love to see you and esp. the new baby. :)
MBurt said…
Thanks for the update, I have been wondering lately. I am glad you are feeling good. I have a cold and it is miserable. (probably just because I'm pregnant!)
emily said…
Marth! I am thinking of you! Glad the move went well! Now I am sure you are just counting down the seconds for this sweet baby! love you!
Ally said…
a HOUSE!! how wonderful!! enjoy your last days with just you and Mini. it was bittersweet for me and Hunter. I was excited to have baby come and join us, i just wanted to make the last days of just me and Hunter special. More for me i know. And then baby comes and it is hard to remember before she came. Crazy i know, but true. A family of four soon to be! LOVE IT!!! good luck with everything!
The Bish Fam said…
It sounds like your new place is great! Definitely nicer to be in a bigger place :) Also, I am sure it is nice to have Adam be working instead of school for the summer...good luck with the baby - hopefully the wait will soon be over :)
Tiffany said…
Surprised that the move didn't induce labor. Nice to be in a house. And girls will always have their own fashion sense. Kenzie thinks anything pink matches.
Katie said…
Been thinking about your Moof and for that sweet baby to arrive.

Good luck with everything. You will do awesome!

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