The latest

Well, here we are again after a whirlwind month of Adam graduating, road-tripping to Texas, and moving to Springville. So first off, hooray for Adam graduating! I'm so proud of him and so happy to be on this side of law school. Not that it wasn't great--we have loved this time and are so grateful for BYU and our experiences here. But having all the stress, studying, writing, and finals behind us feels great.

The week after graduation we took off for a major road-trip to Texas. Yes, everything is bigger in Texas, including the road-trips. It was a LOT of driving, but seeing family was definitely worth it. The only disastrous part was our first day. We left Provo at 2 pm, aiming to get to Albuquerque at 1 am. Mini had been sick and we debated if we should even go, but finally decided it was now or never and went for it. So poor Mini was throwing up for the first while. As soon as Adam would hear the gagging, his lightning speed reflexes would kick in. In one motion he'd grab the bucket, turn around, and thrust the bucket under Mini's chin. Thanks to his efforts, none of it spilled in the car. And thanks to Pedialyte, the throw up didn't even stink. (Adam considered just recycling the Pedialyte since it was this cycle of Mini drinking, 20 minutes later throwing up what looked like un-processed Pedialyte, feeling better, drinking again...) In the midst of this, I was driving and at one point passed someone. To my defense, we were on a two-lane road and passing on those roads scares me. So I just gun it when I pass to get out of the on-coming traffic lane. Well, the cop who clocked me at 78 mph in a 65 mph zone didn't see eye-to-eye with my theory of throwing the speed limit out the window to pass. (Luckily he didn't clock the 87 mph I saw on the speedometer!) Anyway, he was really nice and I ended up with only a warning. Maybe it helped that while he was standing at the window while Adam was finding our registration, I turned to Mini and said loud enough for him to hear, "Do you need to throw up?" I was trying to play the pity card and maybe it worked!

So being a little shaken up about being pulled over, I missed the turn-off to Moab by just a little bit (OK by 50 miles). At that point, I was ready to turn around and go home. But we persisted, taking the scenic route through the huge mountain range between Colorado and New Mexico (the Rockies I'm assuming). We missed our goal of 1 am by a lot and finally pulled into the hotel at 2:30 am. I guess the good thing was that the trip could only go up from there. And it definitely did. We had a great time.

We saw Amanda and Spencer in Lubbock on the way in and out of Texas. Then onto Austin to Melba and Sammie, then to San Antonio where Anya and Joe live. April and Dan, who live in Houston, met us there. It was so fun to hang out with family and for our girls to be able to see their cousins.

Here's Mini with cute Lauren.
Emmy with cousin Brad
Mini eating with Madeline, Emma, Michael, Megan and Hannah
Adam with Christian and Grant

Thanks to everyone who showed us such a great time!! More posts to come, hopefully sooner than later. We're semi-settled in our place in Springville and Adam has started training for his job. Life is good!


Anni Winings said…
I think I would have chickened out before even starting, let alone at the moment of being pulled over and getting lost in the mountains. You are all such troopers, and I'm glad it ended up going better.
Spencer said…
CUTE! i can't wait to hear more about your trip. I'm sorry it was such a rough start--you guys are champs!
gbrooks said…
HAHAHA - you didn't tell me about asking Mini if she needed to throw up to get the UHP's pity. Good work, Martha! And that is the cutest picture of Emmy & Brad. Love it! Hope you are surviving the long days. Play date soon!
Jenae said…
I am so sad that we didn't get to see you. I am so excited for you guys to be done with school. We will be there in a year!
Kev and Chels said…
What a good looking bunch! Congrats on all the fun new changes! BTW, was Elder Birk in the May Ensign? Just wondering. I mean, I have to keep an eye on him if he's going to date my sister when they get home:)
youngfam said…
Congrats Adam! So exciting! I love graduation pictures everyone is so happy. Looks like a fun trip even with the bad start. sick kids are no fun! glad things are going great :)
Carrie said…
Congrats, Adam! What cute graduation pictures. I love the road trip pictures too, especially of Emmy and Brad sharing a swing. How adorable! Sorry about your pull-over, Moey . . . I bet the throw-up line helped, and you were MORE than justified in playing that card at that point!!
♥ Carrie
Melissa Markham said…
We were SO glad to be on your road-trip route! It was a blast to have you guys here. Mom seemed worried that you guys liked it so much here, especially when I told her you had talked about trying to move here. Then I told her that Anna and Spennie also really liked it and would love to live here. "You creep!" she said. I think if we have any more visitors, I'll get kicked out of the family. :) We're keeping our fingers crossed! (... that you'll move here, not that we'll get kicked out of the family... just to clarify...)
Mimi Collett said…
Congratulations on graduating! And yay for getting to see family members! :) I can't believe that Mini threw up that many times sand never got it on the car. I'm very impressed by Adam's skills.
Congrats on graduation, that is awesome! Oh Martha, that road trip first day seems horrible, you poor thing. Glad you played the pity card and the cop went for it! You definitely deserved a warning.

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Olivia Lori Birk