We love summer!

It's so great to have summer here! (Although it hasn't been much of a summer to brag about weather-wise here in Utah.) We are enjoying it though. Adam finishes his five and a half week bailiff training this week. It's been a rigorous schedule, as he leaves about 5:30 am and gets home around 7 at night. The good thing is that it's Monday through Thursday so we've had long weekends to play! Here is what we as his family have been blessed to experience as part of his training:

In case you're wondering, it's really uncomfortable being handcuffed.

I'm a little slow on this one, but Emmy had her first birthday on May 24! I can't believe she's one! She is such a sweetheart. She is very active now that she can walk, run, and climb all over the place (ask me how excited I am for the nine hour flight to Denmark next week!). Despite always being on a major self-destruct mission, she is at a very cute age. She can say maybe five or six words and is just full of personality. The other day she started walking around pointing at things she knows she's not supposed to touch (silver platters, electrical outlets) and saying "Nah! Nah!" (No no!) She is a crack-up. Here she is sitting on the chair she loves to sit and stand on. And you can see the ghetto box protecting the stairs behind her because she's really good at going up but stinks at coming down.
Enjoying her birthday cake
This is just a cute video of her. She loves to cuddle with Elmo, stuffed animals, and her blankies.
A couple weeks ago Adam's sister Anya and her husband Joe and family came to visit. We loved hanging out with them. This is a cute cousins pictures with Birks, McCombs, and Hafens.
And last week we went to Lake Powell with my family for a couple days. It was a quick trip but was so fun! It was Adam and the girls' first time going and I hadn't been in nine years, if I'm counting right. Nothing beats a day at Lake Powell. We were in the water practically the whole day Thursday. Mini and Emmy loved it. Here's how we managed Emmy most of the time:
She was really content to just float around and hang out. Check out Mini sporting her life jacket and sunglasses:
And with her best buddy Lucy (apparently Lindsay and I have similar taste because our girls showed up in matching swimsuits)
Here's our houseboat and camping spot with some of the Lake Powell scenery.
And I couldn't post about Lake Powell without some of the memorable hairdo's. Here's Adam (love the little curl at the bottom of his neck!)
and Lowli (she did her best to remain anonymous). I must say I was impressed multiple times by Lowli's "creative" hair style there. (This picture is mostly for my out of town sisters who can appreciate how hilarious she is.)
And the obligatory skiing picture (purposefully from a distance)...
Just for kicks here are some videos of Mini. Occasionally she makes up little dances/movements with words. A couple months ago it was "Turkey-on-a-boo!" (Sorry it's sideways)
Then a couple weeks ago she made up "A doo, a duh" with this little walk. I think it's so cute!
So there's some of our latest happenings. As mentioned earlier, we head to Denmark next week with my parents to visit Adam's parents. It's a graduation present from my parents and we are super excited! (Oh, and if you haven't checked our blog for a while, don't miss Adam's superhero post below. It's hilarious!)


Melissa Markham said…
SO cute!!!! I love the videos of the girls. They're adorable and I miss them!
Thanks for the pictures of Lake Powell. Que saudades! The picture of Mom is hilarious. It reminded me of when Sammie fell down the hill skiing and all she said when she got to him was, "I guess now's a bad time to tell you you're hat's on inside out." Ah Larry...
You're new house is cute! From what I could glimpse it looks great. I hope you guys have a great time in Europe!
Melba Sammie and Boo
theminerfamily said…
Looks like so much fun! I cannot believe it has been that long for you... a year after senior trip? And Adam's first time? Glad you could all go. I miss that place.
Deanna said…
I love the lights in your new kitchen! Happy late bday Emmy. She is such a cutie. And I love Lake Powell, I haven't been there in so long and I can't wait until I can go back and take the fam. Have fun in Denmark! Hopefully little toys from the $1 store will make her happy. Oh, and yes, crazy that we have the same calling now. Call me when you get back and we can talk about it :)
Martha, we totally miss you guys, love the cute videos, good luck on the flight you;ll get through it, but it is not the funnest part of the trip, talk to you soson

Nicole said…
it looks like you're having an awesome summer! and denmark? i am totally jealous. i hope it's fantastic.
Spencer said…
I love these Moey! I especially love seeing Emmy walk--her little legs are so short but they move so fast! And I love that she laughs at everything...what a cutie! Have a blast in Denmark--can't wait to talk to you about it!

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