
I'm glad that I have kids for a lot of reasons. One of those reasons is because they have really revived Halloween for me. Since about 6th grade, Halloween has been my least favorite holiday. Pretty bah humbug, I know. I guess that was when I hit the stage of being too old to trick or treat but not having anything else very fun to do on Halloween. But having kids has made it fun again. I have fun doing things as a mom: finding them costumes, going to the pumpkin patch and picking our own pumpkins, Halloween parties, etc. This year we went to our first ever Trunk or Treat and had a great time. Here we are in our costumes. Mini was a fairy princess or just a princess, depending on whether or not she was in the mood for her wings. Emmy was a unicorn. I wore my 9th grade cheer outfit and Adam wore my 9th grade cheer sweater and warm-ups. (We actually had some people ask if we were cheerleaders together!)

This is not a great picture, but look at that amazing sunset!
We had a Music Makers Halloween party.
One of our activities was wrapping the kids in toilet paper to be mummies
Not related at all to Halloween, but here's a video of Mini doing a cartwheel--not bad for three years old! And the next video is of Emmy. She's so funny. She's conditioned to say "cheese" whenever I point the camera at her. I love how she says marshmallow ("mallow") and water and she says them both on this video.


I love the videos. I've never learned to do a cartwheel so I'm extremely impressed with Mini.
Anni Winings said…
Wow, that cartwheel really is amazing! She's definitely your daughter!
Deanna said…
I know what you mean about Halloween. I haven't been too into either. I'm impressed with Mini's cartwheel!
matt and amy said…
That is totally your OJH cheer uniform!?! I am so impressed that it still fits. Your family is so cute.
Lauren vdH said…
Claire loves watching the both videos! When you have a chance, can you email me the pic of our fam at the trunk or treat. Thanks! P.S. Where does Mini do gymnastics! Totally signing up Claire, when she is old enough :)
Nicole said…
i too am impressed that your junior high cheer uniform still fits. heck, i'm impressed that you still have the thing!
First thing I thought of when I saw that first picture of your blog was "oh my gosh!" Can't belive you fit into your 9th grade cheer outfit (miss skinny... especially after two kids, very impressive!), that is too funny. I LOVE IT!!!!! And I am lovin Adam wearing the sweater and sweat pants, so great. You guys are too cute!
ps - LOVE the cartwheel, that is incredible. Do you have her in some gymnastics or little gym class or something?
Robnz Fam said…
That's awesome! LOVE it!!
Michelle said…
Sooo, I happened upon this post. And I LOVE THESE PICS and videos! What cuuuuute girls.

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